Circular Economy


Short Title

Aquaponics AgriTech Startup

Circular Economy
Water Consumption
Estimated percentage of cited impact
Secondary Impacts
Detailed explanation of impacts

Sustainable Development Goals (UN)
01. Eradication of Poverty, 02. Zero Hunger and sustainable farming, 03. Health and Well Being, 04. Quality Education, 05. Gender Equality, 06. Clean Water and Sanitation, 07. Clean and Accessible Energy, 08. Decent Jobs and economic growth, 09. Infrastructure Innovation, 10. Reducing Inequality, 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities, 12. Responsible Consumption and Production, 13. Action against global climate Change, 14. Water Life, 15. Land life, 16. Peace, Justice, and Efficient Institutions, 17. Partnerships and Implementation Means
Tecnologys that is used
Machine Learning, Robotics, Software as a Service (SAAS), Big Data, Biotechnology, 3D Printing, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things
Participated in any Greentech Americal Latina event
Yes, participated in the year of 2022.
Last update on the platform

Problem and Solution

Summary of the problem that is to be solved

Details of the problem that is to be solved

Details of how it solves the problem

Solution Stage
D. MVP / Seed
Generate revenue
Revenue projection

Looking for

Search for Investment
Yes, of Debt and Equity type
Estimated value of investment needed
How you intend to use the investment resources
Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
search Partnership
Yes, search for Commercial Project
Partnership details



Company Logo
Company Name
Corporate name
Registration number
Czech Republic
Total number of employees
Number of employees of minority group
has partners of Minority Group
Foundation Date
Contact name
Build From Scratch

We are a platform of impact that has as a goal to unite entrepreneurs and startups with companies, governments, and clients, as well as to facilitate investment in sustainable solutions.

Supported by

Build From Scratch

Greentech América Latina

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