{"pageProps":{"step":"NaN","idea":null,"messages":{"Layout":{"about":"About us","plan":"Plans and Prices","angelInvestors":"Angels Investors","forInvestors":"For Investors","registerYourSolution":"Register your Solution","contactUs":"Contact us","myIdeas":"My Solutions","myFavoritesIdeas":"My Favorites","myAccount":"My Account","findIdea":"Find Solutions","createIdea":"Register a Solution","signIn":"Sign in","signInWith":"Sign in with","typeYourEmail":"Type your email","signOut":"Sign out","signedAs":"Sign in as","unusedCreditsActivePeriod":"Unused Current Credits","event":"Event {year}","selected":"Selected {year}","Footer":{"aboutBfs":"Build from Scratch","aboutTitle":"About us","aboutDescription":"We are a platform of impact that has as a goal to unite entrepreneurs and startups with companies, governments, and clients, as well as to facilitate investment in sustainable solutions.","more":"Other links","poweredBy":"Supported by","bePartner":"Be a Partner","aboutGtal":"Greentech Event","and":"and"}},"Validations":{"required":"This field is required","maxLength":"The field must have a maximum of {value} characters","maxSizeFile":"The file you have tried to submit is bigger than it is allowed"},"Actions":{"areYouSureTitle":"Secutiry confirmation","areYouSure":"Are you sure you want to continue?","search":"Search","reset":"Reset","cancel":"Cancel","apply":"Apply","add":"Add","submit":"submit","doSelect":"Select","view":"View","viewMore":"View More","viewDetails":"Details","share":"Share","filterMore":"Refine your Search ","filterOnlySerchingForInvestment":"Show only solutions that are searching for investment","yes":"Yes","no":"No","signInWith":"Sign in with","signWith":"Sign in with","signIn":"Sign in","close":"Close"},"VerifyEmail":{"checkEmail":"Please, check your email","emailWasSent":"We have sent you a message with instructions how to log in","back":"Back"},"IdeaStatus":{"DRAFT":"Draft","WAITING_FOR_VALIDATION":"Waiting for Validation","WAITING_FOR_SIGNATURE":"Contract signature","PUBLISHED":"Published","MOVED_TO_TRASH":"Deleted","DISABLED_BY_USER":"Disabled by user","DISABLED_BY_ADMIN":"Disabled by admin"},"IdeaTranslatedField":{"changeToTranslated":"Click to translate text automatically","changeToOriginal":"The text you are viewing has been automatically translated. Click to see the text in the original language."},"UserDialog":{"nameEmail":"Name or Email","noUserFound":"No users found"},"IdeaChangeStatus":{"message":"Message","messageExplained":"Use this space to send a message of guidance to the user","confirmLanguage":"Confirm the Language of Filling and Agreement","gtalParticipation":"Enter the year, if the solution has already participated in the GTAL","verified":"Solution verified by EVOX"},"ChartHelper":{"searchesForInvestment":"Yes","noInvestment":"No"},"IdeaAddIntro":{"title":"Registration of the Solution","subtitle":"Everything you need to know before you register your solution","gtal":"Participation in GreenTech América Latina 2024","gtalAnswer":"The fourth edition of GreenTech América Latina is coming! The next edition of the event that inserts innovative sustainable technologies start-ups in an ecosystem with decision-makers who seek to advance towards decarbonization and sustainable impact will take place in November 2024. The registration process takes place through GreenTech Business by Build From Scratch. By registering your solution on the platform, in addition to gaining global reach and visibility, you will automatically be participating in the selection process to present your company at GreenTech América Latina 2024 event.","whyRegister":"Why do I have to register my solution here?","whyRegisterAnswer":"Gain visibility for your solution, increase the opportunities of access to corporations and governments for business partnerships, and increase your presence on the qualified investors radar. We are the first open platform that aims to connect sustainable technology creators with the ones searching for solutions for environmental problems. We organize and present information with innovative initiatives in order to accelerate its adoption, having the impact variable as the main drive.","howItWorks":"How does it work?","howItWorksAnswer":"Greentech Business is a platform of technological solution research with a high potential of positive impact on environmental problems. Its structure allows users to find the solutions they need with confidence. The Solutions Registration have public and private fields. The private information can only be accessed by the platform subscribers who will be able to know the information in greater detail, and will be able to make contact to discuss partnerships and make investments.","howMuch":"How much is it to publish in GreenTech Business?","howMuchAnswer":"There is no cost for registration and solution maintenance in the platform. After the registration is approved, the solution becomes part of the database, and can be accessed by corporations, companies, governments, and investors interested in hiring your services or in making investments. GreenTech Business charges a fee of success for a business done between companies and members that connect through the platform. This fee of success will only be charged after the conclusion of the business, according to the contract that will be settled in the process validation.","whatShouldIKnow":"What do I need to know before starting the registration?","whatShouldIKnowAnswer":"We recommend that you read the Terms and Conditions carefully, clicking the button below, before starting the registration.","whoIsGreenTech":"Who is GreenTech Business?","whoIsGreenTechAnswer":"GreenTech Business is a business developed by Build from Scratch, founding company of GreenTech Latin America. We have plenty of experience in structuring projects of growth in new technologies, and we are partners with several corporations and governments. Since 2019, GreenTech Latin America has revealed 32 scale-ups that were successful in areas like biotechnology, renewable energy, sustainable cities, carbon markets, reverse logistics, nanotechnology, and other key areas in the development of sustainability.","continue":"Continue to Terms and Conditions","connectFirst":"To connect you need to connect via your Google or LinkedIn account or via Email","hasDraft":"Warning! You have {draftsCount, plural, =1 {a pending draft} other {# pendent drafts}}. Do you wish to view it?","yes":"Yes","no":"No"},"IdeaAddFinal":{"title":"Whew!","subtitle":"Thank you for filling in the form.","description":"Your solution will be validated by our team and soon, you will receive an email with more information.","canNotEdit":"For now you are unable to edit your solution.","viewDraft":"View Draft"},"IdeaAdd":{"partnerCode":"Partner Code","partnerCodeTip":"Optional field. If you were referred or mentored by a Greentech partner, enter the code you received.","publicTitle":"Give the solution a short title","publicTitleTip":"Be creative and create a sellable title with up to 50 characters without revealing your company’s name, brand, or contact","wichArea":"Area that represents your solution","wichAreaTip":"Select only your area. The one that best represents your solution. ","wichImpact":"Solution’s main impact","wichImpactTip":"The impact will be used as one of the main filters in the search in the platform. Select only one, the main impact of your solution.","impactNumber":"Impact’s estimated gain (in %)","impactNumberTip":"Inform the solution’s % of gain in comparison to other more used or more knownsolutions. It doesn’t need to be a precise number, but try to be as transparent as possible.","othersImpacts":"Secondary impacts","othersImpactsTip":"Besides the impact informed on the previous field, highlight other impacts that are also of the same relevance as your solution ","impactsDescription":"Impacts description","impactsDescriptionTip":"Describe in detail the impacts (main and secondaries). Try to explain the estimated gain and how your solution will bring the expected impact.","wichOds":"Sustainable Development Goals","odsTip":"Select your Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The SDGs are a Global UN call to action to end poverty, protect the environment and climate, and guarantee that people everywhere may enjoy peace and prosperity.","wichTechnologies":"Key technologies","wichTechnologiesTip":"Select one or more technologies that are fundamental (key parts) in your solution ","problemsItSolves":"Problem(s) that your solution solves","problemsItSolvesTip":"Describe in detail the problem(s) that your solution solves.","shortProblemItSolves":"Summary of the problem(s) solved by your solution.","shortProblemItSolvesTip":"In a few words, describe the problem that your solution solves. Be creative without revealing your company’s name, brand, or contact.","howItSolves":"How your solution solves the problem(s) cited","howItSolvesTip":"Describe in detail how your solution solves the problems cited in the previous field”","shortHowItSolves":"Summary of how your solution solves the problem(s)","shortHowItSolvesTip":"In a few words, how your solution solves the cited problems. Be creative without revealing your company’s name, brand, or contact.","businessStage":"Current stage of your solution ","businessStageTip":"Select a stage of your solution in business terms","hasRevenue":"Does your solution generate any revenue?","lastAnnualRevenue":"Your last annual revenue ","lastAnnualRevenueTip":"How much revenue has your solution generated (in US$)?","nextAnnualRevenue":"Revenue projction for next year","nextAnnualRevenueTip":"How much revenue do you project for the next 12 months (in US$)?","searchesForInvestment":"Investment search","searchingForInvestment":"I am looking for investment","investmentNumber":"Needed investment","investmentNumberTip":"Inform the value (in American dollars) of how much you think you need","typeOfInvestment":"Type of investment","typeOfInvestmentTip":"Select which type of investment you are looking for at the moment”","roi":"Investment Rate of Return (IRR)","roiTip":"Inform the estimated percentage of annual return of investment.","payback":"Payback","paybackTip":"Inform the payback in number of years","usesOfResources":"Resource destination","usesOfResourcesTip":"Slect one or more options of how you plan to allocate the invested resources","searchingForPartnership":"I am looking for a partnership","searchesForPartnership":"Search for partnership","partnership":"Type of partnership","partnershipTip":"Slect the type of partnership you are looking for at the moment","partnerShipDescription":"Partenership details","partnerShipDescriptionTip":"Describe in detail the partnership, goals, responsibilities, and key parts for success.","sendVideoPitch":"Send Pitch in video","videoOrientations":{"0":"Video is not mandatory, but it is recommended as it increases your chances of attracting the eyes of investors or partners.","1":"Record a video of up to 2 minutes summarizing the information you have provided us so far. Be objective!","2":"There is no restriction on revealing your contact, company or brand.","3":"Allowed format: MP4","4":"Maximum video size: 50 MB"},"overwriteVideoPitch":"Overwrite video","sendPresentation":"Send Pitch in PDF/PPT","presentationOrientation":{"0":"Presentation is not mandatory, but it is recommended as it increases your chances of attracting the eyes of investors or partners.","1":"There is no restriction on revealing your contact, company or brand.","2":"Allowed format: PDF and PPT(x)","3":"Maximum file size: 10 MB"},"overwritePresentation":"Overwrite PDF/PPT","fileUploaded":"File succesfuly received!","hasCompany":"Is there a company officially behind the solution?","companyName":"Company name","companyNameTip":"Inform the company name","companyAddress":"Address","companyAddressTip":"Inform company’s address (number, street, and complement)","companyPostalCode":"Zip code","companyPostalCodeTip":"Inform the company’s Zip code","companyPhone":"Telephone","companyPhoneTip":"Inform the company’s official contact number","companyLegalRepName":"Legal Representative","companyLegalRepNameTip":"Inform The full name of the company’s legal representative","companyLegalRepRegisterNumber":"Representative’s tax number","companyLegalRepRegisterNumberTip":"Informe the company’s legal representative’s tax number","companyLegalRepEmail":"Representative’s email ","companyLegalRepEmailTip":"Inform the company’s legal representative’s email","companyCity":"City","companyCityTip":"Inform the company’s city","companyState":"State","companyStateTip":"Inform the company’s State","companyCountry":"Country","companyCountryTip":"Inform the company’s country","companyEmployeeNumber":"Number of Employees","companyEmployeeNumberTip":"Inform the quantity of the company’s employees","companyMinorityEmployeeNumber":"Number of employees from a minority group","companyMinorityEmployeeNumberTip":"Besides the partners, inform the number of company EMPLOYEES that are part of a minority group","hasMinorityMember":"Company has one or more partners from a minority group","companyFoundation":"Founding date","companyFoundationTip":"Inform the company’s founding date","companyOfficialName":"Company’s official name","companyOfficialNameTip":"Inform the company’s official name","companyRegisterNumber":"Registrration number","companyRegisterNumberTip":"Inform company’s tax id","contactName":"Contact Name","contactNameTip":"Person’s name that will be in contact with entities possibly interested in the solution","contactEmail":"Contact’s E-mail","contactEmailTip":" Person’s email that will be in contact with entities possibly interested in the solution","contactRole":"Job","contactRoleTip":"Person’s job","contactPhone":"Phone number","contactPhoneTip":"Person’s phone or cell number","contactLinkedin":"Linkedin","contactLinkedinTip":"Inform the URL of the person’s profile in Linkedin","acceptTermsAndConditions":"I declare that I have read and agree with the terms and conditions","Visibility":{"public":"Public","publicTip":"Any person will be able to see it","private":"Private","privateTip":"Only subscribers will be able to see it","admin":"Admin","adminTip":"Only platform administrators will be able to see"},"Validations":{"required":"Please fill in the field above"},"Control":{"next":"Next","finish":"Send validation","back":"Back","copyFromRep":"Copy the Legal Representative’s contact information"},"Step":{"0":"Terms and Conditions","1":"General view","2":"Problem and Solution","3":"What you look for","4":"Pitch","5":"Contact","6":"Summary"}}},"_superjson":{"values":{"step":["number"]}}},"__N_SSG":true}